How Can A Commercial Roof Replacement Cut Down on Energy Costs?

· roofing company

 Commercial roofing repair and replacement can be an expensiveproposition. However, investing in commercial roofing can be the best solutionyou can choose when looking at the problem from a different perspective. Commercial roofing contractors with their expertise in roofing can significantly save energy costs when installing a new roofing system. When you decide to take on the project for your roof, look for   roofing contractors near me to getlocal service with the pedigree for the work. Let’s look at some of the ways a new commercial roof will save on utility costs. 

 How Does Your Roof Affect Energy Costs? 

 Heat loss comes in many forms. When you have a poorly insulatedfacility or outdated windows at your building, the costs of energy multiplylike dandelions on the lawn in the spring. A roofing system is pegged to lastat least three decades if well maintained, but outdated building materials might be the reason you have high-energy costs because the seal at the roof is no longer secure. Humidity and moisture are a problem that plagues building owners, and when you have a faulty roof, there is no way to keep them out.Replacing your roof with modern materials that take into account energy efficiency is one way to limit or reduce heating and cooling costs for your building. 

 When Should You Consider Roof Replacement? 

 In general, a relatively new roof might need some timely repairsto function. But, old age is the scourge of everything, and when your roof is ofan older vintage, a replacement is the best investment. Roof failure happensfor many reasons that will be elaborated upon.   

· Poor quality insulation in your current roof 

· Worn Out Underlayment Material 

· Low-Quality Materials Were Used 

· You are Experiencing Poor Ventilation in Your Building 

· Your Roof is not up to “Code.” 

 3 Ways Commercial Roof Replacement Cuts Down Energy Costs 

Better Insulation Means Less Heating Costs

A roof isn’t an add-on to your building, it provides function, andit keeps the weather at bay. Using quality insulation that protects the indoorenvironment from cold temperatures in the winter is one way your roof willlimit energy expenses. Your HVAC system runs more efficiently and uses lessfuel to operate, keeping maintenance costs down and reduces utility costs.   

Added Energy Efficiency with Energy-Saving Materials 

When the need arises for a flatroof replacement, quality materials come to the forefront. Part of theequation stems from a UV reflective coating that repels harmful rays fromheating your building. Also, the reflective coating adds a layer of protectionthat keeps the roof from deteriorating before it completes its service life.   

Improved Ventilation Releases Hot Air 

Many commercial structures have shingles atop the building, andthey add a layer of protection that isn’t readily apparent. Shingles limit hotair from being trapped in a building, and that reduces HVAC wear and tear. Anotheradvantage that shingles bring to the table is that they will resist heavy windsthat can impact roof performance over the long haul. 

 Choosing the Right Roof for aCommercial Building 

 Energy Star Rating   

Energy Star is the building industry’s energy regulator. When yousee their seal of approval on products for a roofing system, know that it hasbeen vigorously tested for energy efficiency. Using materials certified byEnergy Star for your roof can lower roof temperatures by 100 degrees – and thatsaves money on building cooling.   

Solar Reflection   

UV rays will lay waste to anything they shine upon, and the betterthe roof is at reflecting the harmful rays, the more energy-efficient the roofwill be. Heat transfer comes from the radiation that the UV rays emit abuilding will be heated due to the increase in room temperature. Adding a layerof reflective coating helps reduce the roof surface temperature – in somecases, up to a 30 percent reduction in temperature.   

Roof Colour   

When selecting a colour for the roof of a building, look for alighter colour as dark colours will absorb heat. Consider the climate andweather in the area and use the colour accordingly to act as a shield for theroofing system. If the building is situated in an area where cold climatesdominate, install dark shingles. Conversely, if the building is in a high heatdensity area, lighter shingles make for cooler indoor temperatures.   

Location of Building   

Like other building materials, shingles have undergone a metamorphosisand are designed with specific applications in mind. Some roofing materials arecreated for colder climates, while others are made for warmer areas. Darkshingles work best in colder areas, while lighter shingles are best installedin warmer regions. Know the region, and the shingle question will be moot forthe selection of materials for the roof. 

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Hire A Reputable Roofing Company 

 Choosing suitable materials without getting the best roofingcompany to install the roofing materials is a waste of money. Care must go intothe selection process for a contractor, and there are some things to be awareof before a choice is made. Attention to installation details is paramount toprotect a building owner from roofing failures that require warranty work. Also,if the roofing contractor doesn’t know how to install a particular roofingsystem, the roof can be susceptible to drafts and leaks after installation.Look for a certified, experienced roofing contractor with a background ininstalling the roofing system selected for the building for the best results.